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Australian Politics

Old Heroes of a new age.

Victory is ours!

The fields of Elysium lay spread before us,

We stride forward, you and I, with accomplished deeds,

We will take control of these fields as our prize,

The crown of conquering heroes shall be ours.

And though I know not your name,

Nor you know not mine, we march together,

In common age and dignity,

Leave the dying and debased to loot and rob,

The decaying ruins left on the field of battle,

THAT..is their only capacity, having stood idle,

While we battled all our lives for this day,

To have to endure their low mockery at our age,

THEY..who lack the skills and have not wit enough,

To even know when they should lay quiet…and listen!

So, we will ride away from their barbarian schemes,

Taking with us the prize of our wisdom and knowledge,

In silence shall we scorn and disdain their cries of assistance,

When they come with pitiful eyes and lost souls clamouring.

Their world of material hunger is not now our world,

We leave them to their grasping greed and detritus,

For we have left their dominion,

With our accrued age and knowing,

We will forge a new homeland, a new beginning,

To greet the sunrise and hail the evening,

With a light in our eyes and clarity of mind,

Would dazzle the brightest star in the galaxy,

Come now, my company of aged heroes..

The battle for our independence has been won,

Upon the Fields of Elysium, we ride to a new dawn..

Victory is ours!

(This is a poetic testament to all us older citizens of the world..for while we be mocked, used and abused in aged care and home…then ignored in public debate..WE..who have survived to this age in a world of mostly grasping and materialist cruelty, have already won our battles, sown our seeds and reaped our crops..and now we claim our “Elysium Fields” as the right of conquering heroes!..yes..victory, be it great or minor..at this age, no matter..it is ours!)

About freefall852

Tradie Carpenter. ret'.. Much work, many places, long time, much traveled, met many good and not so good people..will tell you about them some day.


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Trish Corry



I love to discuss Australian Politics. My key areas of interest are Welfare, Disadvantage, emotions in the workplace, organisational behaviour, stigma, leadership, women, unionism. I am pro-worker and anti-conservativism/Liberalism. You will find my blog posts written from a Laborist / Progressive Slant.

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