
Freedom of Speech

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Dutton, Turnbull, Hanson and Veruca Salt – How Tolerant?


Australia is taking carpark rage to an entire new level. The fight is over space in Australian society and how many white people get to park in that space. This has become a tirade of sobbing and wailing and crying by some really loud white people with loads of money, privilege and power. Not happy with all of this, they want more and they want it now! If they don’t get everything they want, just like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka they are going to scream!

I want the world, I want the whole world.
And if I don’t get the things I am after, I’m going to scream!


I want it now gif.gif

Help! I’m scared of losing my whiteness

Peter Dutton is terrified that he might lose a bit of white space in society, so he wants to shut that down right now. He wants it to stop now! So just like Veruca Salt, he had a bit of a scream the other day. His scream was demanding that white Australians should think that Lebanese people (or people we might think are Lebanese because plenty of Australians won’t know the difference!) are terrorists, because he does.

As a rich white man with privilege and power, Dutton insists we should all get on board his train and take a journey through the “tunnel of stigmatisation.” 

Just like Willy Wonka’s train ride through the ‘tunnel of hell’ This train ride Dutton wants you on, is meant to scare the bejesus out of you, and it will end up taking you to the room where you will be encouraged to participated in a ‘bad deed.’ Take the ‘everlasting Gobstopper.’ More on that later.


Because when you are scared, you will vote for the protectors and that is what all of this is about and the very reason Hanson oozes it and Turnbull defends it.

The advice I have is that out of the last 33 people who have been charged with terrorist-related offences in this country, 22 of those people are from second and third generation Lebanese-Muslim background.

He has been around a long time. He knows the power of words in politics. He is well aware of today’s new trend of Hansonism and Trumpism. He knows his statement was about creating fear and looking to those who announce the fear as ‘protectors.’

This is not the first time Dutton has spewed forth such hateful divisive rhetoric, nor will it be his last. He needs to be sent to the back bench immediately and scorned by all of his party, particularly the Prime Minister. But hey, obviously just a dream, because that is not what happened…..

Peter is such a good little white boy, says Malcolm

Then we had the Prime Minister having a bit of a scream in Dutton’s defence. Taking Dutton’s broad brush Turnbull painted the big white space in Australia with a second gloss coat. He endorsed Dutton by not condemning his words but by praising Dutton as a good human being, committed and compassionate.

Heads up Turnbull, it is not compassionate to paint an entire race of people with the ‘Be scared of them’ brush. If you call that leadership, your idea of leadership is crap, mate.

“Peter Dutton is a thoughtful and committed and compassionate Immigration Minister,” 

Please explain what this big word “Tolerance” means

Pauline Hanson, the Jimmy Swaggart of the Nationalist set in Australia, screamed once again like the wailing fish-wife that she is in the true sense of the word. This time it was about ‘her tolerance.’

If Hanson has to complain about ‘enacting the labour’ of tolerating people who speak up against racism, who defend those humiliated, stigmatised and shunned because of her own words, she should not have a seat in the Senate. That in itself is an insult to our democracy, regardless of how she got there. 

For over twenty years she has been screaming at white Australia about how hard done by they are.  First it was the Aboriginals getting more than white people, then it was the Asians who were taking us over and now it is Muslim people who are ‘swamping us’. Her most sickening and lowest scream is her tantrum about how women victims of domestic violence make it all up. Men are the real victims of domestic violence, according to Hanson. An insult to women who have survived and an insult to the women who have died. Yet she claims she is so tolerant she is sick of her own tolerance. I think it is fair to say that Pauline Hanson does not understand the meaning of the word “Tolerance.”  

She appears to tolerate and accept worker deaths though. Why is that?

Not so tolerant about worker deaths.

If Hanson wants to scream about men being the major victim of something, she should be screaming about worker deaths. I don’t hear her screaming that her support for the ABCC will see even more workers dying on the job-site.  Apparently that must not be a vote grabber. Apprently you can’t deflect blame onto brown people for that one.

In an alternate universe: If only the boss men on construction sites were people of colour and white men were dying due to the unsafe work practices enforced by people of colour.

If only this was the scenario would we see the truth about Hanson. Would Hanson still support the ABCC which will see workers jailed and fined for stopping work due to a death on site? A very serious question to ask. My bet would be NO, she would not. She would stand there pointing fingers and screaming at the people of colour who would be to blame for the deaths of white men and she would be condemning the ABCC with every screach and squawk she could muster.

There are however vote grabs in those who believe the lies and baseless accusations against Unions, so she is supporting the ABCC. Hanson is an opportunist until her last breath, who is playing with the lives of hard working men and women. Very Un-Australian. Very sickening.

So we hear so much about freedom of speech and how tolerant people need to be of Hanson’s divisive rhetoric. I would like to discuss how regressive this stance actually is.

Repressive and Discriminate Tolerance

Repressive tolerance argues freedom of speech as underpinned by the constructs of (small l) liberalism exists to share ideas and have those ideas respected unless those ideas cause harm. Marcuse (1960’s) believed that the tolerance of ideas that were harmful to society encouraged a repressive society rather than enable a progressive one.

Discriminate tolerance is framing and setting aside the ideas that should not be tolerated in a debate towards progress. We already do this as a society. We do not have complete indiscriminate tolerance, as those ideas will harm society. Our national security legislation is one example.  Another example is Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act which makes hate speech unlawful.

Those who sit on the right wing and the extreme right, the Conservative-Liberals and the Hansonites argue for complete indiscriminate tolerance. They argue that unless they can be completely indiscriminate, this impedes their freedom of speech, even if that speech is harmful. How is that good for society?

A thirteen year old boy committed suicide a few days ago, because bullies used ‘freedom of speech’ towards him being gay. Harmful words can and do cause death. This should be marked as a national tragedy. 

I ask you again. How is absolute freedom of speech good for society?

Marcuse does not argue for complete indiscriminate tolerance, but discriminate tolerance where we tolerate ideas unless they are harmful. The harmful ideas should be framed and set aside. The Greens walking out on Hanson’s speech was symbolism of ‘Framing Hanson’s harmful ideas and setting her aside.’

Marcuse’s argument is that unless this is done, we are tolerating for the sake of being tolerant and impeding progress.

So what of Truth?

In a democratic society, democracy is not pure. Debate exists within an unequal framework. The institutions of Government and the media as two examples, have privilege and power to define what is ‘normal’ for the majority and what is not.  These entities have the power to stigmatise groups of people and spoil normal identity (see Erving Goffman). They have the power to place minority groups in the place of ‘weird and unacceptable.’ A forte of Hanson, Trump, Dutton and Christensen and the media in Australia (with the exception of Andrew P Street, that guy rocks!)

This imbalance of power in our democratic society frames truth in a frame that there is only one rational and objective truth. There is not just ‘one truth.’ There are multiple truths and multiple realities.  

The truths of minority groups should be considered and heard. Not just the truth of Hanson, Dutton and Christensen, Reclaim Australia and other Nationalist groups and individuals who have internal racist unconcious bias, yet see people who call this out as ‘smug’ and ‘wrong’. 

Minority groups will not be heard, with the freedom of speech brigade making it too difficult to speak up. Minority groups have the right to live in peace without judgement. They should not be shut down because others who cause great harm through their words insist on absolute freedom of speech with no consequence and insiste we have indiscriminate tolerance.

The right to freedom of speech is about the white wealthy privilege of keeping minority groups excluded. It is not about equality, or inclusion. If Hanson thinks her rhetoric is about ‘equality’ and that she is the superior being who will bring equality to Australians, Hanson has a serious case of Dunning-Kruger effect. (Shout out to “MH” you know who you are).

Everlasting Gobstopppers

To return back to the theme of Willy Wonker let me put the current rise of nationalism and racism into perspective. Charlie gave back the Everlasting Gobstopper because he had a bloody moral compass! He did not want to participate in a bad deed. If Charlie was in this debate, he would not want to participate in divisiveness and hateful rhetoric towards groups which cause stigma and even death.

Think of Charlie’s Everlasting Gobstopper as the metaphor that gives voice to inequality, stigma, shaming, humilation and setting asside minority groups as ‘strange and weird’ and even something to be fearful of. Charlie’s Everlasting Gobstopper is the voice of Hanson, Dutton, Christensen, Nationalist movements and those like Turnbull and the Media who enable them.

If you are currently supportive of this type of hateful rhetoric as not-harmful and helpful ‘freedom of speech’ but may now be having second thoughts, stand up, speak out and condemn words that harm others and give back your Everlasting Gobstopper.  If you gave back your Everlasting Gobstopper long ago, I thank you.

So shines a good deed in a weary world.



Follow Morrison’s Lead – Boot Them Out!



Should we follow Scott Morrison’s example? Is it time to use Freedom of Speech as a precursor for a new model of Border Protection? Could we identify those who set out to destroy a peaceful society and create fear, dread and terror and boot them out?

There are a few constants that have been dragged up time and time again by the Abbott-Turnbull Government and two of these are Freedom of Speech and Border protection. The Liberals really want these two bills endorsed but there is opposition to block them.

However, should we grant unrestricted Freedom of Speech? Border Force could then identify, threatening speech and behaviour which creates, fear, dread and terror for many Australians and act on this quickly.

However, unrestricted Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequence. If another human being or group inflicts emotional trauma, stigma, fear, dread and terror onto individuals or groups, they should be seen as violent individuals who are a threat to society.

The Border Protection Narrative

Asylum Seekers are held up as the universal threat to society. This underpins the harsh, punitive asylum seeker laws, the LNP champion to all of us, including the new proposed life time ban on asylum seekers who arrived by boat.

The Coalition have implied that Asylum Seekers are a threat to society as they are a burden on the taxpayer (Dutton) and Turnbull indirectly states that Asylum Seekers are a threat, due to the people who bring them here.

You should not underestimate the scale of the threat. These people smugglers are the worst criminals imaginable. (Turnbull, 30/10/2016)

Therefore, in the spirit of fairness and equity, if this logic is applied to asylum seekers coming by boat, then it stands to reason that we protect our borders from others who are a threat to our society and boot them out, never to be let back in again.

Let’s look to Scott Morrison as an example of how this works.

Follow Scott Morrison’s Lead

In 2014, Scott Morrison (then Minister for Border Protection) used his ‘power and authority’ to protect our borders. He threw someone out of the country who he determined was a threat to Australia.

This person was not an Asylum Seeker with brown skin, but a wealthy, white, “female attraction expert” or (Misogynicus Piggius). After a very active social media campaign, Scott Morrison cancelled the visa of Julien Blanc. Scott Morrison kicked Julien Blanc out of the country.

Mr. Morrison said of the cancellation of Blanc’s visa as:

“This guy wasn’t pushing forward political ideas, he was putting a view that was derogatory to women and that’s just something that our values abhor in this country,” he told Sky News.

Morrison acted on Julien Blanc because what he advocates is very harmful to women. If implemented by his male followers, we would see the physical and sexual harrassment of women in society, escalate. In a nutshell this is a threat to individuals, groups and society.

The Minister for Border Protection used his discretion to identify Blanc as a threat. This paves the way for the same discretion to be applied to identify other individuals or groups who are a threat to our way of life. 

This is why it is important to follow Scott Morrison’s lead.

Who are the real threats to society?

The Turnbull Government and the One Nation Party create fear, panic and dread for so many people in society. They do this through their freedom of speech to announce harmful cuts, stigmatising rhetoric and the purposeful division of society (Taxed and Taxed Nots, Homeless vs Refugees etc). One Nation encourages mass protests against segments of society, through alignment by choice with right wing Nationalists groups as well as their divisive and stigmatising rhetoric.

As per the example of Morrison above, these words and behaviours have the ability to incite violence towards individuals and groups. They are pushing a view that is derogatory to segments of society; and to align to Morrison’s quote – “and that’s just something that our values abhor in this country.” 

The Liberal and National Party politicians and One Nation Senators would be identified as a threat to society, if Morrison took the same logic and the same discretion and applied it to them. The perceived threats and the reasons they should be booted out of the country, are listed below.

Attacks on Unionised Workers and all workers

The ABCC will increase worker deaths, workers will face massive fines and also jail time, for stopping work, due to a safety breech in the workplace.  Destroying Rights at Work and purposesly implementing measures that will increase worker deaths is a direct threat to the lives of the Working Class.  

The LNP identify as a threat to the Worker. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on the vulnerable

The Turnbull Government are abolishing the Year 7 Whooping Cough Booster when there has been an increase in whooping cough deaths.  This puts, babies, young children, teenagers and the elderly at a high risk of death and/or serious illness.  Destroying imperative control measures for deadly diseases is a callous abomination and a threat to all of society.  

The LNP identify as a threat to the Vulnerable. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on Jobseekers

For putting forward a bill with even more disgusting and abhorrent punitive measures than the measures that jobseekers already have to face, including zero benefits for an entire month. Also for the Turnbull Government’s utter failure to create enough jobs to stimulate the economy and give the people a decent quality of life. In addition to giving job agencies the power to apply financial punishment to people in abject poverty – even if they are in hospital.

For imposing financial penalties for not finding jobs that do not exist; is sick, twisted and callous. These types of measures place the lives of young people in jeopardy and they face increased risk of suicide and homelessness. To have the intent of destroying the lives of the vulnerable is an absolute threat to all unemployed people now and in the future.

Another tactic to attack and dehuminise those on welfare, is to make up ludicrous mendacious claims about how much more money those on welfare get compared to ‘hard working Australians.’

In addition, the cashless welfare card is now proposed to be implemented Australia wide.

The LNP identify as a threat to the unemployed. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on LGBTIQ community

The insistance of a plebiscite has not been a civil debate so far

I would like to make special mention of George Christensen, who has young people living in fear in his own community because of his hateful rhetoric towards LGBTIQ people.

and also a special mention of Member for Mallee and Nationals MP, Andrew Broad, who equates marriage equality to rams having sex in a paddock.
The LNP identify as a threat to the LGBTIQ Community. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on First Nation People

For reducing 150 indigenous programs to just five. Cutting essential funding for legal services and the National Shame that is the Don Dale correctional facility and incarceration laws in some states and the absolute failure to ‘close the gap.’  Including defunding valuable programs for young people, such as the Jimmy Little Foundation.

The LNP identify as a threat to Australia’s First People. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on People with a Disability

By damaging the framework of the NDIS. So many people in dire need of assistance under the NDIS, championed it’s inception. However, we have now seen changes to payments and a letter detailing changes to the board. These changes indicate that those on the board with essential lived experience of disability, will now be replaced with those with Corporate experience.


The Abbott-Turnbull Government is also hell bent on inflicting punitive measures on people with a disability. Pushing them off the pension and onto the punitive framework of Newstart. As detailed above, a stay in hospital is not a valid excuse for the overseas employment giant Max employment. They will still apply a financial penalty. This is a type of insane power and authority. This enables companies who work for the shareholders, rather than those who serve the public, to impose onto an already disadvantaged individual, a financial strain, when they are already finding it difficult to make ends meet.

In addition, the narrative used by the Liberal party when discussing welfare and disabilty, is ableist and degrading.

The LNP identify as a threat to people with a disability. Protect our Borders. Boot them Out!

Attacks on Asylum Seekers and Xenophobia in general.

It is essential that this group is included. Asylum Seekers and anyone deemed as foreign (ie Muslims) have been used by the right side of politics for years now as a plaything in the game of spoiling identity.

The harmful rhetoric championed by Tony Abbott backed by his 1,000 flags and now adopted by our apprently ‘moderate’ Prime Minister Turnbull and inflamed to the Nth degree by Pauline Hanson and her merry band of devoted Nationalists, white supremiscists and Neo-Nazi’s; is one of the biggest threats to our society as a whole.

Due to this constant stigmatising and demonising rhetoric, individuals are verbally and physically abused. Some women have lost their freedom due to fear to go out in public.

This sickness. This irrational fear of people for no reason is alarming. Pauline Hanson and One Nation are central to inciting this divisiveness hatred and fear.

On Saturday, this was not just opinion or analysis, but a reality.

A Busload of Reclaim Australia and Pauline Hanson supporters bussed into Eltham.

They travelled especially to stand up against people in a community, about an issue that does not affect them, because they do not even live there.

They waved Australian Flags. They hid their faces by wrapping their head in a flag.

Riot Police were called in to stand guard – an indicator of the level of threat.

They rallied against refugee advocates.  These advocates expressed their views peacefully and showed their support for refugees with Butterflies.


The LNP, One Nation Party and Nationalist support groups identify as a threat to Refugees and anyone who goes against their beliefs.  When we see those with intolerant views bussed into a peaceful community. When we see them displaying behaviours which cause others fear, dread and terror; the ‘them versus us’ debate has gone way, way, way too far. 

Protect our Borders. Boot them Out! Boot them ALL OUT!

No! I don’t defend your right to say it



When your words make her put her wrist to the razor

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When you words make people spit and stare at her

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make a mother shed endless tears

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make them feel they don’t belong here

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words inflict pain and distress on beautiful faces

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words mean we need the safest of spaces

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make others stigmatise and shun

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words incite thoughts of killing and guns

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make a young man die alone by a tree

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make a father grieve ’til he’s empty

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make their day as dark as the night

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make suicide a national plight

I don’t defend your fight to say it!

When your words are divisive so hateful they kill

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make someone’s best friend overdose on pills

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make no one sit near him on the bus

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make it all about them and us

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words make another feel less than whole

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your words eat away slowly at a beautiful soul

I don’t defend your right to say it!

When your excuse for this harm is speech and freedom

To self-absolve from the hurt that you have caused

I say your words are sick and I condemn them

To honour the beautiful lives forever paused.

Will Brandis Shirt-Front Morrison? Can Morrison please be the Demtel Man?

demtel brandisWe often ask each other “If you had a superpower what would it be?”  Scott Morrison’s superpower was revealed yesterday. He gets to throw people out of the country.  This person was not an Asylum Seeker with brown skin, but a wealthy, white, “female attraction expert” or (Misogynicus Piggius). After a very active social media campaign, Scott Morrison cancelled the visa of Julien Blanc. Scott Morrison kicked Julien  Blanc out of the country.

This ‘event’ has raised two questions for me. 

If Morrison has this superpower – can he please be the Demtel Man? 

Will George Brandis now Shirt-Front Morrison?

I think to put my mind into perspective for others I shall need to explain.  Julien Blanc did nothing criminal during his visit, but what he advocates is very harmful to women and if implemented by his male followers would see the physical and sexual harrassment of women in society, escalate.  In a nutshell what he advocates is offensive and wrong.

Morrison booted him out the country as Morrison did not agree with Julien Blanc’s freedom of speech nor his freedom of expression.

Although, many advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of expression. This is a very good contemporary example of how freedom of speech and freedom of expression can be harmful to certain groups of people in society.  

Freedom of speech was vigorously defended by the LNP who advocated very strongly to Repeal Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act. Particularly because as Abbott demonstrates quite clearly here that There is a great Australian silence – this time about the western canon.” (ie white people)

Tony Abbotts IPA speech

Fortunately, for whatever reason Morrison decided to cancel Blanc’s visa it was done without Morrison raising the emphasis on freedom of speech that the LNP hold so dear to their heart.  In this instance, Morrison (hopefully) understood the harm that Blanc does to the image of and treatment of women wherever Blanc and his sad posse unfortunately land.  (Maybe LNP can now join the dots to freedom of speech and how it can cause harm to others.)

Will Brandis, who so vigorously defended Freedom of Speech on QandA recently and who infamously stated “People have the right to be bigots” do anything about this?  Will he actually Shirt-Front Morrison over his lack of cling-to-ridiculous-ideology-even-if-it-hurts-vulnerable-people-and-disrespects-our-first-people mantra?  How will Brandis now defend the pathetic and harmful stance that they should repeal Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act after what Morrison has done today?  What will Brandis’ excuse be for Morrison, to defend him as part of the LNP? Does this mean that the LNP are now soft on Freedom of Speech? (If you are a Liberal voter and this worries you or you are anxious, pull out your wallet, open it up and breathe in….and out….and in….and out, now….relax. If you don’t have enough money in your wallet for this breathing & relaxation exercise to work, you should not be voting Liberal, you Dummkopf!)

The Demtel Man

Now onto why I want Scott Morrison to be the Demtel Man.  Morrison has the power to kick people out of the country.  This week he kicked out a vile person and ignored this person’s right to freedom of speech. Sanity and humanity finally prevailed.  If only Morrison could be the Demtel man and yell:

“But wait….there’s more!”

Please boot out (because freedom of speech & freedom of expression no longer matter and I find these ‘freedom of speech & freedom of expression’ listed below just as offensive as Julien Blanc’s harmful opinion of women!)

Cory Bernardi, Liberal Senator – For using his freedom of speech to express that it was ok to put women in a headlock and that marriage equality will lead to polygamy and bestiality
(But wait there’s more)

Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia  – For using his freedom of speech to say offensive things about women, defense personnel, our Indigenous people and LGBTI to name a few (offensive statements are far too extensive to include here). (But wait there’s more)

Joe Hockey, Federal Treasurer  – For using his freedom of speech to express his distaste and immense dislike for middle income and disadvantaged Australians by forcing his unfair, sick budget onto us  (But wait there’s more)

Julie Bishop, Foreign Minister – For using her freedom of speech to imply that Julia Gillard was a criminal and gained personally from a Union slush fund 20 years ago (Apology NOW Ms. Bishop!) (But wait there’s more)

Bronwyn Bishop, Speaker of the House – For using her freedom of expression to act upon partisan smirks and nods at Christopher Pyne, For using her freedom of speech to restrict freedom of expression for Islamic women and for using her freedom of speech and freedom of expression to express her hatred of Labor, which is acted out under section 94a umpteen times in the last year. (I also thinks she picks on the Member for Gellibrand more than anyone else – or is that just me?) (But wait there’s more)

Christopher Pyne, Minister for Education – For using his freedom of speech to express his hatred of anyone who desires a higher education (I often imagine Sturt to be this scary place like hell, where the constituents have been sent to earth to torture us. Sturt people – please stop!) (But wait there’s more)

Kevin Andrews – For using his freedom of speech to express his willingness to harm jobless Australians by forcing them to have no income for six months. For expressing his view that all people on unemployment are on drugs, suggesting they be drug tested. For expressing his view that de-facto couples are not as happy as married couples, and his over-riding mantra that the unemployed are ‘bludgers who need to be motivated. (But wait there’s more)

Mathias Cormann, Minister for Finance – For using his freedom of speech to express that being a girly-man is a bad thing, an insult. Gender is not binary Cormann! For using his freedom of expression by infamously smoking a cigar celebrating turfing the poor into the gutter with the LNP’s unfair, sick budget. (But wait there’s more)

George Brandis, Attorney General – For using his freedom of speech to express that people have a right to be Bigots. (But wait there’s more)

Malcolm Turnbull, Minister for Communications – For using his freedom of speech to express it is ok for rural and regional people to not have decent, reliable, fast internet (Do you think he may be Amish or he has a fascination with the 1930’s?) (But wait there’s more)

Barnarby Joyce, Minister for Agriculture – For thinking it was ok to change his freedom of speech to include things he actually did not say, when he changed Hansard  (Maybe Kevin Andrews could enlighten Barnaby that Hansard is for better or for worse, ’til death do us part!) (But wait there’s more).

Nigel Scullion, Minister for Indigenous Affairs – For using his freedom of speech to express that money is more important than indigenous women being able to access safe, respectful, supportive National Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service. (But wait there’s more)

Greg Hunt – Minister for the Environment – For using his freedom of speech to express that he absolutely detests the environment, in everything he does and says (But wait there’s more)

Peter Dutton – Minister for Health, For using his freedom of speech to express that it is OK for the disadvantaged, poor, sick and needy to go without medical treatment because they can’t afford it and that is is OK that cancer may not be detected in many, due to the exorbitant costs through his proposed changes to medicare. (But wait there’s more)

Campbell Newman – Premier of Queensland, For using his freedom of speech to tell lie after lie after lie and using his freedom of expression to pose as a concerned Premier in advertisements instead of a politician spending public money on advertising in an early campaign. (But wait there’s more)

Liberal Voters – For using their freedom of expression to vote for the most incompetent, harmful, hurtful Government, we have had in the history of Australia. (But wait there’s more)

and last but not least – You, Mr. Morrison  – Boot yourself out of the Country, for your ongoing freedom of expression and freedom of speech implying that human beings seeking asylum are less than human beings and should be treated as such.

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Trish Corry



I love to discuss Australian Politics. My key areas of interest are Welfare, Disadvantage, emotions in the workplace, organisational behaviour, stigma, leadership, women, unionism. I am pro-worker and anti-conservativism/Liberalism. You will find my blog posts written from a Laborist / Progressive Slant.

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