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Australian Politics

Muse Music.

I have been thinking on the premise of a new genre of storytelling…and having given it a lot of thought in that poetry and song or rather “song-line”, or perhaps; “prosetry”, ie; a cross between song and story-line..or prose and poetry..something like an opera spoken, enacted and some parts sung around an informal gathering by the incumbent storyteller of the group may be a good way of going…

I have used songs injected into several stories as mood creators…an accidental inclusion of personally favoured songs that I thought enhanced the feeling of the story-line…and since I am a nobody in the world of writing, I can do these sorts of experiments without comment or criticism…I can please myself…I have recently completed a 3 act piece on the Italian charcoal burners in the Murray Mallee in the war years, calling it “A reading opera”….having failed to find someone who could write and play music to accompany my own libretto..here..: https://freefall852.wordpress.com/2019/08/04/a-ukulele-opera/  ..

In a couple of other stories, I have woven the song into the length of the story…in one case sung by the mother to her child…: https://freefall852.wordpress.com/2017/01/18/beautiful-dreamer/ ….in another shorter piece, I used the actual songs timed length to be the same time length it takes to actually read the story..: https://freefall852.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/a-two-dollar-coin/ …I called this method..: “Muse Music”.

I claim no deliberate attempt to create what you would call a new style of literature, but give the experience to you and any other interested persons here to see if there is a sort of possibility of growth in the method…because, like many others, I have pondered on the same theory concerning the future of writing for some time…in that it seems to be heading toward a kind of “dumbing down” to a more “formulaic” style of writing…perhaps making the creative process more vulnerable to the forging of AI.(Artificial Intelligence) manusctipts copying and reproducing ad-infinitum those same formulaic style tomes.

Perhaps the only salvation for original writing in the future will be to be so much more creative in character development and story line..giving the plots and actions a definite, un-forgeable humanist colour to the tale. I suspect a writer like Dostoyevsky would be difficult to fake with AI. ..as would James Joyce.. Both, as fate would have it, hard acts to follow for your average writer..but still, the example is there, and it may not be a bad thing to at least try to follow..it could at least lift creative writing to the next height.

For myself, I have moved closer to poetry for the warmth of emotional connection, always admiring the poetic language for its demand of sincerity and brevity in expression, for like the heights of a good song, the pitch and tone is very difficult to fake and the less sincere poems stand out like sore thumbs to the experienced eye of a reader.

A pause for thought

For even Madam Time is paused,

And her dead-hand held fast as the women sly pass,

With but a glance and wistful smile to those who adore,

Giving feint hope to those who so want, but..

Touch not vain blade lest the moment spoil,

To but gaze upon and weep with desire..

Oh women!…thine eyes alone would tempt,

A greater God than man’s humble creation,

And thy beauty even if only in the beheld eye,

Enough to blind the honest to thievery,

And if thou desires; let thee accrue the price or the cost,

Beholden to no man’s pitiful measure..

For it is thy cup that pours the bouquet..

Let know but that you will choose the bloodline,

Your body the time and place….no disgrace!

Your choice ; glory or vainglory,

Let time grow jealous and men grow old,

While you can choose to look to either..

For heaven befits a granted grace,

And beauty will reach even the heart of a stone,

Making the warmth of such be the envy of a sun,

But the moment loaned of a woman’s touch,

Can be for a wanting man enough,

To satiate any longing hunger for heaven’s gate!

About freefall852

Tradie Carpenter. ret'.. Much work, many places, long time, much traveled, met many good and not so good people..will tell you about them some day.


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Trish Corry



I love to discuss Australian Politics. My key areas of interest are Welfare, Disadvantage, emotions in the workplace, organisational behaviour, stigma, leadership, women, unionism. I am pro-worker and anti-conservativism/Liberalism. You will find my blog posts written from a Laborist / Progressive Slant.

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